The Work of this World

The childlike, the essential, the divine notion of serving, with their everyday will and being, the will of the living one, who lived for them that they might live, as once he had died for them that they might die, ripened in them to a Christianity that saw God everywhere, saw that everything had to … Continue reading The Work of this World

Realism, and the Partisans of the Prosaic

If you throw enough mud, some of it will stick, especially to that unfortunate creature Man, who was originally made of mud. A realistic novel is written by stringing together all the tag-ends of human life - all the trains we miss, all the omnibuses we run after without catching, all the appointments that miscarry, … Continue reading Realism, and the Partisans of the Prosaic

Four Janes

When Jane left the hilltop village of St. Anne’s and came down to the station she found that, even down there, the fog had begun to lift. Great windows had opened in it, and as the train carried her on it passed repeatedly through pools of afternoon sunlight. During this journey she was so divided … Continue reading Four Janes